There are many issues threatening our planet, some we can control, and others we cannot. For those which we can control, such as environmentally damaging pollution, we believe that it is a global responsibility that should be aided by everybody in whatever way possible.

At Oryza Beauty we believe that from small beginnings come great things; this is why we have adopted responsible, ecological and sustainable technologies and practices throughout our business in order to limit and, in some cases completely eradicate activities which can damage our planet.

Ocean plasticSustainable Beauty

When it comes to our packaging, our main focus is to maintain a 0% nett contribution to global plastic pollution. This is achieved by utilising a supply chain which is entirely recycled and recyclable and maintaining our low carbon footprint by operating a modern, paperless business which uses renewable (solar) energy in the running of our offices.

When we were founded in 2017 we immediately began exploring the use of recycled materials for the production of our beauty product’s packaging. Through trial and error we developed a supply chain that was able to meet our blue-sky ambition of using more than 50% recycled materials in the generation of our packaging. By 2018 we were able to increase this to 90% and 2019 saw us achieve our goal of 100% of all plastic used in our brand’s packaging came from recycled sources.

This is how we did it

Collection of ocean plastics is conducted all over the world by numerous global companies and charities. The general waste and various types of plastics are collected using autonomous floating devices, nets and trawlers; this is subsidised by coastline land collections by groups of volunteers and the general public. The collected plastic is shipped to large recycling facilities where they are sorted by type.

The generic, collected plastic is cleaned and compacted for shipping to sorting and recycling centres all over the world where it is further cleaned, then shredded or resized and sorted by its chemical makeup ready for processing.

The processed raw material is then subjected to thermal and chemical processes which transform it into extruded and granulated plastic ready for use in various industries from clothing to packaging and construction.

Our Commitment

At Oryza Beauty, we work directly with the recycling centres and agencies who provide this recovered ocean plastic & other forms of landfill/recycled plastic raw components for use in all of our cosmetic packaging. Our packaging is not only made from recycled materials, but we also use between 30% – 65% less plastic in our packaging**. We have banished the concept of ‘over-packaging’ to the history books where it belongs and opted for modern techniques which result in a slimmer, sleeker, more lightweight and infinitely more environmentally responsible approach to packaging our cosmetics.

What’s more, once you have finished using your Oryza Beauty products you can recycle 100% of the empty packaging meaning that Oryza Beauty is a 0% net contributor to global plastic pollution.

The Plastic Process

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**Based on a cross section of 60 competitor products as of September 2020

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